Friday, 17th May 2024

Friday, 17th May 2024

Creating Student Transformation through Multiple Learning Pathways

01 Nov 2012

Minister Heng Swee Keat at Crest Secondary School's first Open House

Minister for Education Heng Swee Keat interacts with students, teachers and parents from Fuhua Primary School and Xingnan Primary School at Crest Secondary School’s first Open House held on 31 October 2012.

Learning will be fun and engaging at Crest Secondary School, when the school officially opens its doors to receive its first batch of students in January next year. The school is the first of two Specialised Schools for Normal (Technical) students, catering to their learning needs and interests to maximise their potential.

At its first Open House for invited students held yesterday, the vibrancy of the school could be felt all around – from the brightly coloured classrooms to the school uniform. The school’s facilities are also unconventional, with learning stations set up to provide students with an authentic, practice-oriented learning experience.

Aside from imparting academic knowledge to students, Crest Secondary School will also focus on vocational training to provide an immersive and meaningful experience for its students. Mr Frederick Yeo, Principal of Crest Secondary School, cited an example of teaching numeracy in a practical manner instead of learning math concepts in an abstract manner. The learning pedagogy of the school encourages experiential learning, where students learn numeracy skills by completing practical tasks.

An Authentic, Engaging Learning Experience

Crest Secondary School's First Open House

At the “Fabulous Merchandise” learning station, students gain first-hand experience by role-playing as customers and retail assistants in a supermarket.

To provide opportunities in personal development, internship and mentorship, the school has secured the support of industry and community partners. Familiar names such as Home-Fix DIY and Dairy Farm have stepped in as industry partners to support the school in setting up workplace-based training facilities. Students can look forward to facilities like retail training rooms and mechanical servicing facilities to enrich their vocational experiences.

To Shaireen Kaylif, a pupil from Xingnan Primary School, the school offers interesting programmes that are not commonly found in mainstream secondary schools. “In most secondary schools, we don’t learn concepts in this experiential manner. I find the facilities and activities offered by Crest Secondary School to be very interesting and would like to try to get into the school.”

Crest Secondary School's first Open House

At the “Passion to Serve” learning station, students learn the importance of effective communication via role play in a restaurant setting.

Customised Curriculum for Students

On top of the innovative facilities in the school, students of Crest Secondary School can also look forward to a customised four-year curriculum that integrates both academic learning and vocational training. Strong emphasis is also placed on Citizenship and Character Education, which undergirds the school’s focus on holistic education. To strengthen character development and address the socio-emotional needs of its students, Crest Secondary School will be collaborating with NTUC Income and other schools to participate in community-based activities.

Some may ask how this specialised school for N(T) students differ from the N(T) classes in mainstream schools. Mrs Au-Leow Li Quin, Head of Department of English Language, explained that in Crest Secondary School, a customised curriculum and purposefully designed learning pedagogy is offered to suit the learning needs of its student profile.

At the end of four years, students can look forward to graduating in N(T) core subjects (English, Maths and Mother Tongue) as well as with an ITE Skills Certificate in one of four options: hospitality services, retail services, facility services and mechanical servicing. Students will also get to go on industrial attachments at the Secondary 3 to 4 levels.

Empowered to Realise Dreams

Crest Secondary School's first Open House

The interactive exhibits at the “Wheels are Wonderful” learning station integrates topics from mechanical servicing to science/physical education, and how they can be applied to daily life.

At the heart of it, the school aims to provide a caring and creative learning environment that provides authentic learning experiences, builds students’ character and equips them for academic progression and employment.

“This school epitomises conviction and commitment where passionate, dedicated teachers, innovative pedagogy and good facilities are put together to form a dynamic and vibrant school culture,” said Mr Yeo.

To ensure that students’ education experience will be rich, diverse and holistic, everyone in Crest Secondary School are raring to fulfill the school’s value proposition – to advocate a promising future for every student.