Saturday, 27th July 2024

Saturday, 27th July 2024

Dear P6 students…

25 Sep 2019

Five primary school principals share their advice for their students preparing for their PSLE. 

Set aside time for exercise and play

(Photo credit: Mr Martin Tan)

“Take care of yourself by setting aside time to exercise and play games regularly. Continue to jog, swim or cycle as often as you can. If you enjoy sports, go and play soccer, badminton or basketball with your friends. These activities will keep you fresh and fit as you prepare for the PSLE.

Do your best and never give up!”

Mr Martin Tan
Principal of St. Gabriel’s Primary School

Time ‘lost’ is time gained

(Photo credit: Mr K Govindan)

“Milestone examinations such as the PSLE, will be a part of your education journey. While it is important to do your best, remember that your well-being is just as important. 

Your parents and teachers care very much for you and only wish the best for you. So find a good balance between studying and relaxation. 

Time ‘lost’ is time gained. Some time set aside for rest and play will free up your mind to concentrate and learn better. 

Wishing you your best, and that is all that matters!”

Mr K Govindan
Principal of Peiying Primary School

Control your feelings

(Photo credit: Marymount Convent School)

“After sitting for a paper, whether you feel that you have done well, or feel bad about not being able to do some questions, I want you to remember to stay positive.

Being resilient means taking control of your feelings. Tell yourself to fight harder for the next paper – because you are bigger than any exams or obstacles in life!

Going through exams is part and parcel of learning. And learning is part of life.”

Mrs Allison Lim
Principal of Marymount Convent School

Look beyond the PSLE

(Photo credit: Mdm Noorismawaty Ismail)

“Zig Ziglar, an author and motivational speaker, once said, “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”

The time has come for you to start that journey. Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from doing the things that you can do. I know, your teachers know – that you will do great things in your life well beyond the PSLE.

Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Never give up! Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Goethe said, “Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” Begin it NOW and whatever the outcome may be, don’t ever stop learning, living and chasing your dreams.”

Mdm Noorismawaty Ismail
Principal of Huamin Primary School

You are more than marks and grades

MrLim(Photo credit: Pei Chun Public School)

“PSLE is at best a snapshot of your learning over the first 6 years of your entire schooling years. It can’t and doesn’t represent the entire range of learning you have picked up in school over the years.

It also doesn’t represent what you are capable of applying later in life because all examination formats have limitations in terms of testing. So take it seriously but do not be too stressed over it. It’s helpful feedback meant to support your next phase of learning and you need to take it on in  the right perspective.

Congratulations, if you do well, but instead of feeling superior to  others, be grateful to those who have supported your learning and aspire to help others as well. If you do not do very well, don’t be too discouraged but be determined to strive harder.

Your individual worth is much more than what marks or grades can represent. Don’t let something like a 2-hour test represent what you are capable of or how you think about yourself.
(Photo credit: Pei Chun Public School)

Regulate your emotions over the results, and avoid comparing yourself with others. Always remind yourself to be strong and positive whatever the outcomes, and remember outcomes are only temporary, be it success or failures.

More importantly, don’t lose your self-confidence and interest in learning new things. Your next phase of education has many more things in store for you and you will discover new aspects of yourself as you grow. So keep going, keep learning, keep discovering and keep growing new abilities in yourself.

Ultimately in life, you set your own “exam papers” –  you need to decide for yourself what are the important questions to ask in life and what your answers to them will be.”

Mr Lim Meng Wei
Principal of Pei Chun Public School