Thursday, 25th April 2024

Thursday, 25th April 2024

Developing values through dragonboating

29 Jul 2014

Developing Values Through Dragon Boating

Being a team sport, Dragon Boating requires every member in the team to build on trust-based relationships based on integrity, compassion and loyalty. 

Dragon Boating also demands a high level of coordination, cooperation and collaboration from every team member to accomplish their mission. There are no ‘star strikers’ in Dragon Boating as every individual needs to play his or her part and be committed, dedicated and disciplined for the team to build and maintain high competition standards. 

Yuan Ching Secondary School achieved niche status for Dragon Boating as a Co-Curricular Activity in 2013 and shortly after being re-envisioned as the basis for the school’s Learning for Life Programme (LLP), the “Yuan Ching Dragon Boat” CCA hopes to impart the school values of Integrity, Excellence, Compassion, Enterprise and Loyalty to the rest of the student body through hands-on experiential lessons in dragon boating.

Watch this video to see how Dragon Boating helps students develop values and overcome challenges! 

Find out more about Yuan Ching Secondary School