Tuesday, 23rd April 2024

Tuesday, 23rd April 2024

Excelling in Thinking Flexibly and Creatively to Solve Complex and Unfamiliar Problems

06 Apr 2014

According to the 2012 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) computer-based assessment of Problem Solving, Singapore’s 15 year old students excel in thinking flexibility and creatively to solve complex and unfamiliar problems. The findings show that Singapore students are innovative, able to handle uncertainty, and dare to experiment with alternative solutions. These highly valued competencies stand them in good stead in a globalised, information-rich economy increasingly dominated by highly skilled, non-routine jobs, and give them the wherewithal to come together to create a brighter future for Singapore.

The strong performance of our students reflects the Singapore education system’s curricular emphasis and our schools’ efforts in developing problem solving skills in students. Our broad and inclusive education system has also allowed us to bring out the best in every child. The results of PISA 2012 show that Singapore has one of the deepest and widest talent pools of students who have the ability to apply thinking skills effectively to solve problems. Our proportion of weaker or low performers in Problem Solving is also among the lowest of all participating education systems.

Watch this video of how Temasek Secondary School students are equipped with skills to solve problems not only within subject domains but also in general real-world contexts, through programmes like VEXA (Values Education through EXperiential Activities) and Financial Mathematics!