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Saturday, 27th July 2024

Time to make your school choices: MOE’s SchoolFinder directory can help

02 May 2023

Congrats! Your child has crossed an education milestone and it’s time to embark on the next. Let SchoolFinder help with the research, starting with a comprehensive listing of schools and what they offer. Read on to find out how parents can shortlist options based on location, cut-off points and other filters, by using this online directory developed by the Ministry of Education (MOE).

By Lim Jun Kang

Ready to choose a suitable school for your child? We agree that it’s an important decision.

You could be registering your child for Primary 1. Or sitting down with your child and deciding on your secondary or post-secondary options together.

Whichever the case, you are looking for a good fit for your child’s learning needs and interests, and some research is needed.

Where could you start?

SchoolFinder, of course. It is a comprehensive online directory developed by the Ministry of Education (MOE), to help parents and students to explore the options available at all education levels. Users can filter and search for options to consider, and find useful information on what they offer.

Here are some quick tips on how to navigate the directory effectively, to help you make an informed choice. 

Useful filters to help narrow your search 

Listed in alphabetical order, you can narrow your search after entering the portal, using a filter or a combination of filters on the side.

One of the key considerations is distance from home to reduce travel time. Simply key your postal code in the Location filter to list schools that are nearer to your home and area.

For instance, using your postal code, SchoolFinder will be able to further shortlist either within 1km or between 1 to 2km from your home.

Narrow your search based on fields such as co-curricular activities (CCAs), electives and programmes, support for special education needs, score range and affiliations. 

Time to make your school choices MOE’s SchoolFinder directory can help1Examples of the filters you can apply to narrow your search further

Shortlist as you go

You can “heart” your selected schools as you go on your search. You’ll find all of them under My Shortlist and is a handy way of keeping track and referring back to your preferred choices as you navigate the site.

Time to make your school choices MOE’s SchoolFinder directory can help 2Click on the ‘Heart’ icon found to the right of the listed school, to add the school to your shortlist.


Time to make your school choices MOE’s SchoolFinder directory can help3You can access your full shortlist at the top-right corner of the webpage.

Search example 1: Searching based on your location and child’s interests 

Take for example, you live in Yishun and your son is entering Primary 1 next year. He may have shown some interest in mechanical toys in preschool and you think a robotics CCA may further his interest.

Filter your search by area, and further single out those which offer Robotics as a CCA.

Time to make your school choices MOE’s SchoolFinder directory can help 4

If you know the location but are unsure of which interests to zoom in on, the portal’s comprehensive lists help you discover all the interesting programmes available, and which schools offer them. 

Time to make your school choices MOE’s SchoolFinder directory can help 6

Search example 2: Searching based on subjects and CCA

Let’s say you are shortlisting potential secondary options with your daughter after her PSLE examinations. She is excited to take the subject Geography for the first time, and would also like to try out for the Netball CCA. As you explore the filters, you may come across an Elective programme called ‘Health and Food Science’ which piques the child’s interest. With these filters, you may find one that meets all your criteria.

Time to make your school choices MOE’s SchoolFinder directory can help 7

Search example 3: Searching based on the child’s support needs

Parents of children with special education needs (SEN) can narrow down their search to schools that cater to their child’s specific SEN, if required. In this instance, parents can narrow down their search specifically to schools with ‘barrier-free accessibility’, as well as those with on-site Special Education Needs Officers for support. 

Time to make your school choices MOE’s SchoolFinder directory can help 8

As the filters help to narrow your search, it is important to find out more from the specific institution on how your child can be supported, based on his or her needs.

Visit open houses, attend talks

Beyond using SchoolFinder, you can research on areas such as culture, values, and learning environments by attending school open houses and MOE webinars that school leaders take part in. Schoolbag runs articles listing the latest open-house dates and details. Do reach out to your social circles to speak with current students, staff and alumni to learn more. 

For more details on primary and secondary schools’ Open House details:

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