Saturday, 27th July 2024

Saturday, 27th July 2024

What’s Your Take… on Full Subject-Based Banding?

29 Apr 2019

On Saturday, 6 April, participants streamed eagerly into the MOE HQ. It was the first in a series of public engagement sessions, “What’s Your Take?”, open to the general public to give us their take on educational topics. Participants from all walks of life joined us—parents, youth, young adults, retirees and HR reps.

After an engaging session designed to bring everyone up to speed on the evolution of streaming leading to Full Subject-Based Banding (Full SBB), Second Minister for Education, Ms Indranee Rajah, and Deputy-Director General of Education (Schools), Ms Liew Wei Li, sat down for a chat with participants on the topic.

We’ve clustered the areas of interest under the following key questions…