Saturday, 21st September 2024

Saturday, 21st September 2024

Voices of Young Singaporeans

28 Aug 2015

Voices of Young Singaporeans gives voice to the aspirations of our young Singaporeans. A myriad of scenes and interview voiceovers share how our youths have room to pursue their passions with confidence in the safe and inclusive environment that is Singapore. The youths also share their steadfastness in overcoming challenges and their dedication to striving for the best. They express their commitment towards the future of our nation, building on the legacy of our forefathers. 

This video also features a quotation from Mr Lee Kuan Yew, inspiring our youths to go forth and pursue their dreams. The quotation originates from a speech made to the Singapore Press Club at Raffles Hotel on 7 June 1996:

“For the young, let me tell you, the sky has turned brighter. There’s a glorious rainbow that beckons those with the spirit of adventure, and there are rich findings at the end of that rainbow. To the young and to the not-so-old, I say, look at that horizon, follow that rainbow, go ride it. Not all will be rich; quite a few will find a grain of gold. Dig it up!”