Saturday, 27th July 2024

Saturday, 27th July 2024

It takes a village to support a student

22 Aug 2022

This Teachers’ Day, we celebrate the school community, whose support, care and diligence kept our students learning through a pandemic.  

By Lim Jun Kang

Keep learning going: Outram Secondary School

When Full Home-Based Learning (HBL) was implemented back in May 2020 amid a spike in Covid-19 cases, most students attended lessons from home on their laptops or home computers.

But for some 160 students at Outram Secondary School, this was an issue. They either did not have access to a laptop or a stable internet connection, their homes were not conducive to learning or they had learning needs, which needed more support.

The school’s ICT team reacted quickly, distributing more than a hundred laptops within just two days.

They sourced for and issued laptops, WiFi dongles and even SIM cards to students, who needed it. For others, they opened computer labs and provided on-site support to students. They made special meal arrangements as well with the team preparing snacks and drinks for the students’ tea breaks as motivation and encouragement.

When the school decided to support students whose families needed economic assistance, the administrative staff played a critical role as well. The School Advisory Committee sponsored grocery vouchers and the admin team ensured they were distributed to the 175 families in a timely manner.

“In this crisis, we have learned to pivot very quickly to mitigate the impact on our normal lives. The students’ access to necessities and learning must not be cut off. The team gave their all to ensure teaching and learning carried on uninterrupted,” says Principal Mr Boo Hian Kok. 

Packing a gift of care: Yuan Ching Secondary School

It was all hands on deck at Yuan Ching Secondary School when the school was first notified of a confirmed Covid-19 case in their school back in May 2021. A class of about 40 students and teachers would have to be quarantined at home or at Quarantine Facilities, and the school did not want them to feel alone.

The Executive and Administrative Staff (EAS) under the guidance of the School Leaders, sprung into action, preparing and delivering care packages to every student and teacher wherever they were.

“This was the school’s way of showing that we are there for them,” said Administration Manager Mr See Thou Yew Cheong.

The School Leaders and a few Key Personnel moved swiftly to contribute and purchase the items, while the team of EAS members, comprising of Operations Support Officers, Administrative Executives, Corporate Support Officers, organised themselves for the packing and distribution of the care packages.  The Parent Support Group chipped in as well. Some purchased items from vendors and supermarkets, while others labelled the packages. One staff member, who was on leave, also pitched in to consolidate the list of items to purchase. 

Picture2 (2) (1)The EAS team at Yuan Ching Secondary School with the care packages they prepared.


Every package was hand-delivered to various locations around Singapore.

“It wasn’t easy, but it is definitely a whole team effort at Yuan Ching and we were glad that the EAS could play a part to help them feel better,” remarked Mr See Thou.  


Read more stories on our schools’ EAS staff in Braving the storm together, and It takes a village to support a student.


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